Well Kelley hasn't been posting lately so I will let you know what is going on. She is 10 months post surgery and doing well. It has gotten to the point now where I don't think she thinks of it very much any more and I don't think of it very much either. I just think she has a beautiful smile and she looks like a happier person. My oldest daughter was a candidate for the surgery also, but has elected not to have surgery. Her orthodontist gave her a "good" but not "perfect" bite, but she is happy with her choice. I have promise both girls teeth whiting after they had their braces off. They are both home right now for the summer break and my dentist is running a pretty good deal on whiting so they will get their teeth whiten next week. Hope to take pictures afterwards to share. On a personal note, I am so proud of my kiddos. Christina graduated from the University of Texas in San Antonio with a BS in Interior Design from the school of Architecture and my son Kyle is graduating from High School on May 31 and will be attending UTSA in the Fall. My son Clay joined the National Junior Honor Society and is doing very well in school this year. Kelley is most likely going to move back to Houston and go to college. Just a brief update, hopefully Kelley will update her blog soon.
Hope everyone has a wonderful summer!
14 years ago