Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane IKE

Just to let you guys know, we are going to stay and ride out IKE. We went through this drill with Hurricane Rita back in 2005. For Rita we ended up staying not by choice, but because we couldn't leave because all the traffic problems that occurred. This time we are staying by choice, even though we are under a mandatory evacuation by our city. Hurrican Rita was headed our way for a couple of days at a cat 4 Hurricane and then turned at the last minute and went east and we barely got any rain or wind. This Hurricane is now a cat 2 expected to strengthen to a cat. 3 and heading towards Galveston. Since it has moved so much already since yesterday, I'm hoping that it will continue east and go were Rita went near the TX/LA border. I will let you all know how we fair. If I get too scared we might bug out to San Antonio and visit Kelley and Christina. That is if the traffic isn't all backed up. We spent the afternoon picking up all the stuff in the yard again... We had to pick it up when T.S. Edouard was expected to hit.

Kelley Update: She went to the Dentist today for a cleaning and they were able to get all the staining off her teeth. He said she was looking good. I think Kelley looks great, as you know by reading her blog she isn't quite pleased with her look. Now I haven't seen her in person since she had her surgery, but from her pics I think she is so cute and pretty. I think she still looks very much like her self. I understand that its not the same face that she is use to looking at, but I think she will adjust especially when her lip relaxes more and she gains more feeling back.
I hope she likes what she sees, I makes me sad when she's sad.
Maybe Holly's right and jaw surgery patients should have counseling first, so they can deal with possible identity issues.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The best of luck to you guys. We'll be right here with ya, hunkering down in our house.
