Monday, July 14, 2008


I know that any type of surgery causes stress on the patient, but it also causes alot of stress on the family. Not to get to personal but...this is stressful! I get calls from daughter #2 that is having the surgery, calls from daughter #1 who lives with daughter #2 and how they are having communication problems (arguments). I know that this is not normal. I really think everyone is getting stress out and everyday stuff is getting blown up. I know that I'm worrying about all this, every mom worries about their children and this is pretty major! Plus we get to worry about the financial part also. Every time I start to get wound up, I try and get distracted in something else. Let's all take a deep breath together. Ok I feel better.


Michelle said...

I would say that this is totally normal! I was so stressed out too, and it showed when Sean was in town. We both struggled just to keep it together. But thank goodness, we did get our acts together right before the surgery. Like you said, this is major, so it's tough to always put on a brave face when really, deep inside you're scared silly.

I like your attitude, though - taking a deep breath is good. I've also found that blogging about this has been helpful, which is why I'm glad you have your own blog. Hang in there, Mo-mo!


Rachel said...

I was pretty stressed before surgery. The more I tried not to think about it, the more I would. Staying busy really helped a lot. We all get stressed out. This is a big deal for you and Kelly but being prepared will surely help. It will be here and over with before you know it! Michelle is right, blogging helps a lot! We are a pretty tight group here.

holski said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog mum! I think it's great that you started your own blog. My boyfriend also considered starting one after I had surgery, as he had a lot to say to other caregivers. He didn't end up starting his own, but did write a few posts on my blog. =) Also, after my sister visited me in the hospital, she said she felt like connecting with other families who were going to go through the process, as she found it to be more emotional than she'd expected!

Good for you for taking action! I can't wait to continue reading.